Messages from the Light

Working With Crones, Mother Era Mystic MacFinnian Working With Crones, Mother Era Mystic MacFinnian

Season of the Crone pt. 3

Working with the Crone in the Mother Era Part 3 of 3

The Mother

After breaking free of the patriarchy, it doesn’t sit well to find out that in the spiritual world you’re still standing in the role of Mother.

See, the patriarchy kept the Mother energy, because the Mother energy was focused on others and others get to define the Mother. They twisted the Mother to fit their narrative, to control women. They made the entire process of growing from baby into mother about the mother you’d become.

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Working With Crones, Mother Era Mystic MacFinnian Working With Crones, Mother Era Mystic MacFinnian

Season of the Crone pt. 2

Working with the Crone in the Mother Era Part 2 of 3


It’s come to my attention that a fair number of women are stepping into and claiming they are Crone, only they are not yet Crone.  

They may have some Crone Wisdom but that doesn’t automatically put you in your Crone era. That’s like saying, “I know how Reiki works. I don’t need Master training. I’m reclaiming and owning that. I am Reiki Master.”

No…Being a Crone isn’t just about having Crone Wisdom. Age plays a huge factor in becoming Crone.

If like me, you’re around the age of 40, we are not even close to our Crone era. Those in their 60s, are preparing for Crone years, but it’s not until our 70s that we walk into the Crone era of our life.

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Working With Crones, Mother Era Mystic MacFinnian Working With Crones, Mother Era Mystic MacFinnian

Season of the Crone

Working with the Crone in the Mother Era Part 1 of 3

The Winter season is held by the Cailleach, the old Crone. In the winter of her life the Crone rests in reflection and welcomes death as a friend. In her stillness she whispers stories of life and renewal to the next generation waiting to be birthed in the Spring.

We are sitting in the winter of the Crone and it feels like the perfect opportunity to share my reflections and observations about the Crones that walk this Earth today, what it means to be Crone, and how we honor the Crone.

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Healing Path, Light Work, Spiritual Path Mystic MacFinnian Healing Path, Light Work, Spiritual Path Mystic MacFinnian

Pushing Out of my Comfort Zone

A little over 2 months ago I did the scary thing. I packed up my life into about 4 totes, took my cat and moved out of Idaho.

Idaho was killing me, killing my soul. Those close to me could see my sparkle was fading.

I lived in Idaho for 21 years, after being forced to move there when I was 16.

I hated it, it is a desert with no moss. To me it held very little life.

In those years of living in Idaho, I had found my own ways to love it. I gained many exciting communities, found versions of myself, and tried a variety of different job and careers. 

Yet, nothing seemed to stick. It all would fall away.

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Actions Ripple with Karma

Growing up as children we are taught that Justice is right verse wrong and that good triumphs over evil. That all those that do wrong receive punishment. As we grow into adults, we observe that Justice isn’t always fair and sometimes the punishment doesn’t always fit the crime.

But punishment won’t bring the scales of Justice into the balance.

Punishment adds a weight of shame, guilt, and a label on a person’s shoulders. This person must try harder to release not only the weight of the original action but the weight of shame, guilt and label from the punishment they received.

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Revolution of Light

There’s been a Revolution of Light bubbling for many years, it’s been prophesized in many cultures. We are currently standing in that time. A time when the Light must balance out the Dark. Many within the Light Community have been called to pass long messages from the Light, myself included. I was asked to share this message, to deepen the alignment of my Light Work. This is my story, and it’s still unfolding.

I was only given so many pages, they weren’t in order, and the only instruction was to follow the call.

For most of my life, I’d heard an echo of a prophecy. One that I’ve never fully understood, one that I have rejected, and attempted to redirect onto others. Now, standing in this place, in this time, with all that I’m awakened to, I still don’t understand what I’m to do with it, but I can no longer deny

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The Ancestors are Calling

Spooky season is here! October is known as the “spooky scary” month. Have you ever wondered why that was?

Many say that it’s due to Halloween being in October. While this true there is more to understand about this time of year. October as always been viewed as “spooky”, it just wasn’t spooky in the way that we view it today, with spirits coming back from the dead to torture the living and witches roaming the streets tricking and harming townsfolk. This thought process came as a result of Christian Colonization starting around the 10th century when they were attempting to wipe out the sacred rituals such as Samhain.

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5 Simple Ways to Honor the Autumn Equinox

Autumn is the time of transformation. The bridge between Summer and Winter. During the Autumn Equinox we thank the Sun for the life it brought and all the abundance it created, taking stock of all the achievements, successes, and abundance we received over Spring and Summer. We also honor that the days become shorter, and that Winter is arriving soon, leaving offerings and blessing to the Sun that it may return in the Spring. We give gratitude to the Sun that we are offered the opportunity to slowly transition from the busy goal achieving Summer energies to the Winter Energies of cycles ending and the rest of dreamtime.

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Our Roles and their Dualities

When I first started writing ‘The Earth is Calling’ I had no idea what was unfolding. I thought I’d be writing one piece and moving on. Then I received the message that there was more to the story. Diving deeper into the relationship of the 7 Deadly Sins and 7 Heavenly Virtues as they relate to the Healer, Light Worker, and Light Walker community. I assumed that for every Sin there would be an opposite Virtue to correct the behavior of that Sin. Thinking that duality always equals the opposite behavior. I'm coming to understand it doesn't work out quite like that, there’s duality within each Sin and Virtue. The duality that is being explored within these pieces is the duality between the Human Experience and the Divine Way.

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Understanding & Working in the Lughnasadh Season

August 1st marks the first days of Autumn. Though the temperatures outside may still have the feeling of Summer, now is the time of the first harvests. There is a shift in energy that occurs in this time. We start to slow down to enjoy the bountiful crops that have been growing through the Summer.

If we watch others around us, we’ll notice that they too are changing from the busy go, go, go, energy of Summer to slowing down to gather with friends and family. Which happens to be the best way to celebrate the energies of the Lughnasadh (loo-nuh-suh) season.

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The Shadow Healer

Let’s begin to weave an understanding of the Sloth energy within the Healer, Light Worker, Light Walker, community. The Catholic interpretation of Sloth energy is the lack of care to follow God's plan. When looking at this from a Light Worker’s, Light Walker’s, or Healer’s perspective it’s the lack of care for the big picture and the grand scheme of the Light Wisdom. At its core Sloth energy in our community is a disconnection from the work and higher perspective of the Light Wisdom.

We become distracted by all the things of this time such as social media, celebrities, war, politics, and a crumbling economic structure. It's no wonder that those within our community would seek the comfort and freedom that lies within the cosmos.

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Working In Divine Timing

Messages in Divine timing, you’ve got to appreciate them. Just as I was sitting down to write this piece wondering where to start, this song was playing in the background.

“They sing don't waste your hate, rather gather and create. Be of service. Be a sensible person. Use your words and don't be nervous. You can do this, you've got purpose. Find your medicine and use it!” – Manifesto by Medicine for the People

Nahko himself is a Light Worker and Medicine Worker. He uses his music as the medicine to bring healing and awareness to those that listen. This song came out in 2010 and he states in the song, “this is the medicine, there is a message within, and people will find it in their own time.” That’s what Prudence is.

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The Fine Line of Spiritual Ego

Being a Healer, Light Worker, or Light Walker today is very strange. You must have a certain amount of ego to attract new clients to your practice or platform of Wisdom sharing. It is a fine line to walk between the right amount of ego and the ego that slips into Pride or as I call it “Spiritual Ego”.

We are required to prove to others that we have the ability to heal them on their healing journey or spiritual path. Yet, you must draw a boundary on how far you’re willing to go to prove your capabilities. At some point “proving” your powers to others can become overkill. You must reflect and ask yourself, “What are my intentions for showing this? How is this helpful to this person? Is this for highest good for either of us?”

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Earth is Calling

The work is with the Earth.

For many years Healers, Light Workers, Light Walkers have been working in the cosmos. It’s been beautifully expansive and has allowed us to travel to areas of the consciousness we didn’t know existed. It opened the realm of the spiritual to the human collective like a rocket blasting into space. Allowing us to see beyond the veil to bring us understanding that there is so much more than us.

Now, it’s time to return to the Earth with the knowledge that we have gained. To expand the web of Light out upon the Earth so we as the human collective may reclaim it on Earth.

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Where do Healers go when they need Healing?

“Where do the healers go when they need healing?”

For me this is a simple answer, we go to other Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers. Yet, watching the community around me I see this isn’t always the case. Especially, if we’ve had negative encounters with other Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers in the community. Which happens more than I’d care to admit.

We end up doing as we were trained, relying solely on ourselves or nature for healing and clarity. We are conditioned into knowing that we have the ability to heal ourselves. Which is true, but

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Redefining the Rebel Healer

For most of my life I have been called a rebel, someone that has a problem with authority. I’ve worn that label as a badge of honor, and I owned my rebellious heart. Reveled in the joy of being against the system, that I was going to do it my way.

Yet, when I was a child, they would have described me as the one prefect child, always doing as I was told, not getting in trouble, quiet and unseen as children were supposed to be. I was raised in very strict LDS house and fully believed that if I put one toe out of the line of God I would be taken straight to hell

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Who am I? I am a Healer, I am the Storm

Who am I, I’m a healer, I am the storm.

All my life I’ve been fighting to be who I’m supposed to be, while fighting against who I’m supposed to be. It’s been a rough healing journey to stand vulnerable offering the Wisdom that I’ve learned along this path and the Wisdom that is passed to me through my ancestors and guides. Why is it so scary to pass along this information?

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Universal Lessons, Intuition, Healing Path Mystic MacFinnian Universal Lessons, Intuition, Healing Path Mystic MacFinnian

Listening to the Universe.

Listening to the signs of change before it’s too late. For some time, I’ve felt the whispers of change coming for me. It’s time for me to release my doubts and fears and to take a chance to stand in my skills as a healer. The universe has asked me to have faith and go with the flow for almost two years. I seconded guessed all those whispers and signs. Overthinking every sign as something I was just making up as a sign…

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Authentic Self, Own Your Story, Own It, Queer Pride Mystic MacFinnian Authentic Self, Own Your Story, Own It, Queer Pride Mystic MacFinnian

My Authentic Self pt.1

I decide who I am. Others can have their stories. I’m on the Queer spectrum. I’ve been on that spectrum my entire life but due to upbringing I was conditioned into believing I was straight for way too long. There were times that I was considered “boy crazy” and I was because I was unsatisfied and trying to find a way to fill space that within me. Since coming out so much more of my life makes since.

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