Actions Ripple with Karma
Author’s Note: This is a continuation from the piece “The Earth is Calling”. I’m exploring the 7 Heavenly Virtues and 7 Deadly Sins to understand how they appear in our Light community. I don’t follow a religion but have firsthand experience of these energies within the Human Collective. Through these writings the guides are connecting me to Light Community term for the root energies and how these energies play a role in the Light Work we are weaving into the Earth.
What We Were Taught
Growing up as children we are taught that Justice is right verse wrong and that good triumphs over evil. That all those that do wrong receive punishment. As we grow into adults, we observe that Justice isn’t always fair and sometimes the punishment doesn’t always fit the crime.
But punishment won’t bring the scales of Justice into the balance.
Punishment adds a weight of shame, guilt, and a label on a person’s shoulders. This person must try harder to release not only the weight of the original action but the weight of shame, guilt and label from the punishment they received.
Making it feel like a monumental task to bring themselves back into balance and harmony with their Light.
Somewhere within the evolution of the human collective, we decided that Justice is punishment and punishment is discipline.
Yet neither is true. Discipline is an action that helps to redirect and teach a person. It is assertive but compassionate. Discipline does not hold judgement of shame, guilt nor does it label a person good or bad.
Discipline helps a person to understand what boundaries, morals, and ethics will keep them in alignment with themselves, the community, and the Light.
The duality of Justice, as we have seen many times over, is that sometimes people “get away it”. They are not held accountable for their actions. Leaving us feeling like the bad guy “won” and that we were cheated by the system. Feeling cheated, we decide to take Justice into our own hands.
We seek Justice, by ways of vengeance, because to paraphrase the old saying, “Justice is a dish best served cold.”
Though many books, comics, TV and movies attempt to warn us that seeking revenge won’t heal or correct the pain and grief we feel within our souls, people still flock to vengeance, because seeking revenge feels easier than processing the loss, hurt, or grief they are holding.
Their ego and pride have stepped in, desiring to feel vindicated. Justice has become fueled by emotions.
We feel as if we are free to do whatever we wish to make the situation even and fair. An eye for an eye as they say. This allows a person’s emotions to rule unchecked, darkening their Light and disconnecting them from their true selves. Which is a double loss for the Light.
Not only are the “bad guys” not returning to the Light, but the bad guys have corrupted those seeking vengeance with their dark light.
Justice is not two wrongs making a right.
Justice is an energy that is free of emotions. It is balancing the scales of a person’s actions and a lot of time we do not get to see how Justice plays out. True Justice looks at the entire picture, the whole situation of a person’s actions and asks, how do we create balance and harmony in this situation?
I choose not to sink to the level of a “bad guy”. I won’t create more suffering for myself because of another person’s action. I chose the high road which isn’t always easy. I process my emotions and let go of what isn’t serving. Knowing that there’s nothing that I could do to someone that would be worse than what they create for themselves.
When we stand free of the emotional ties to loss, pain and grief we see with clarity. We can observe that Justice is not Light or Dark but rather harmony and balance. Justice is energy that we put into the world through our actions. Like Newton’s Third Law, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Who Divvies out Justice?
As Humans we like to believe that we control how Justice is divvied out. When it flows to us throughout our lives based on the actions we take, it rewards and teaches us in Divine Timing. Some call it Karma; I grew up calling it the Three-Fold Law. All our actions, positive or negative, go into the universe and will return to us three times more powerful. It could happen in this life or the next.
It amazes me how often we forget that Karma isn’t always bad. It can come back to us in positive ways. Karma, like everything else, holds duality. If you are only thinking about negativity, living in fear, and playing in Dark energies, then your life will reflect that. When you awaken to the Light, you start shifting from those Dark thoughts and action to the Light, unraveling the negative weight and balancing the scales with positive Light.
As Light Workers, Healers, and Light Walkers we know that Karma can happen rather quickly but sometimes it takes a while to catch up. But being humans, we sometimes lose ourselves in the human construct of instant gratification and Justice equaling punishment.
We expect Karma to be delivered rather quickly, whether we are waiting for a punishment or reward. Due to that thought process a Light Worker, Healer, or Light Walker may start to toe the line of what’s for the highest good and push boundaries.
Designed to Push Boundaries
It’s in our human nature to push boundaries. We must find out where the boundary line is. When we do cross the line we are disciplined and corrected by either the community members or ourselves. If we are not corrected, we’ll keep pushing the boundaries to see how far we can go.
Sometimes it feels as if that boundary never existed, because we continue to get away with it. We must remember there is no all-seeing being waiting in the wings to step in, tell us we’ve gone too far and give us slap on the wrist. They don’t come forward explaining that we are taking liberties we know better than to take.
Our community of Healers, Light Workers, Light Walkers, Ancestors, and Guides showed us where the lines are. We created pillars, ethics, and morals to live by from those lines. Pillars such as free will, consent, for the highest good, and do no harm.
We may even receive words of encouragement from the ancestors and guides telling us to keep pushing the boundaries of our pillars. These beings are the Tricksters. They pose as helpful Light beings here to assist our Light journey. In the beginning they say all the right things, gaining our trust. Tricksters are tools of Dark.
After gaining our trust they’ll whisper to us to take shortcuts, liberties, and break the pillars of our Light. We must always pause to question ourselves, guides, and ancestors, seeing if what they are asking is alignment with the Light. Ancestors and guides of the Light welcome and encourage questions.
Dark Wisdom Whispers
The first time I was in Fire Keeping training, I was ignorant of spiritual ways. I did not know the importance of proper preparation for participating in a Sweat Lodge. Even though I’d been going to lodges off and on for a few years, I had been invited by a friend who either did not know or did not care about following the proper preparation.
The teacher I was working with was new to teaching and most likely assumed that I knew how to prep for lodge because I’d come to so many. I had been a heavy drinker and was only “detoxing” from alcohol on the day of lodge.
During the few years I trained with this teacher, things began to shift for me and in the lodge. Not in a positive way. My drinking got heavier, and the teacher started allowing others in need of detoxing from alcohol or drugs into the lodge. Sometimes these people had been coming down or drinking just that morning.
As I know now, this was VERY dangerous. Not only for those detoxing but for the other participants, the teacher, myself, and the lodge space. There came a point where I had a total mental break. I started to struggle to create the Sacred Fire, becoming frustrated enough for tears, and feeling uncomfortable participating in lodge.
I sat with myself and my guides, asking the hard questions and reviewing my concerns. I confided in the owner of the lodge about what I was going through, but did not consult my teacher. The owner of the lodge guided me to step down as Fire Keeper, so I could get my healing and Light back on track.
On my last night of Fire Keeping, the fire wouldn’t light, and I knew in that moment I had made the right choice.
Over the years, the events of this lodge rippled out, starting with my ignorance. I hold a lot of compassion and grace for myself around this situation, for all the things I didn’t know, but I did not give myself a pass. I did the atonement work needed for the damage that I created.
The teacher went on to hold more lodges and train new Fire Keepers. Life shifted for this teacher and what unfolded was a long dark journey to which I don’t know the end.
The Dark had whispered to us that what we were doing was the work that was needed. Observing these events, I can see where Justice and Karma stepped in to bring things back into harmony and balance.
There was no punishment or ultimatum given. I had decided that path wasn’t for me because it did not align with my Light. No one stepped in to save me or my teacher from what we were doing, we had to save ourselves.
We had to do our own discipline to shift the ripples we created and bring ourselves back into the Light Wisdom.
This very hard lesson showed me that as Light Workers, Light Walkers, and Healers we can easily fumble down the wrong path and it takes time to see the ripples of our missteps. Some may not realize when their first misstep was, or others may not realize they made a misstep at all.
Which could end up giving us some very hard lessons and life struggles. Because Karma and the Universe hold no attachment to the outcome of our lives. They simply correct the actions we take to create balance and harmony in the Light pattern.
Spiritual Ego and Shadow Healer sides take a hit when we realize how far we’ve gone. It’s easy to slip, but it’s harder to correct. It can feel unbearable to take accountability for our actions. Some may never choose to hold themselves accountable.
Choosing to ignore accountability may not affect our current life, but it will certainly follow us into the next. A Grand Master explained that the struggles, illness, disabilities, or hardships we’re facing this lifetime may be Karma that followed us from our past life.
Holding Space and Compassion
As a community of Light Workers, Light Walkers, and Healers part of our Light Work is to show up for members in moments they are fumbling. To hold them in compassion, grace, and Light. Offering them space to heal as they would do for us. We may not understand how or why they fumbled but it’s not up to us to judge.
Some may have been trained by someone who is following the Dark Light path but posing as Light Wisdom. Some could be going through a difficult transformation and not even realize they’d slipped. We must remember that we are not perfect, part of the Light Work is making mistakes so we can learn how to assist others in the Light.
Helping the members that fumble or misstep is offering perspective, seeds of Light Wisdom, and holding the light so they guide themselves to processing their actions. When they are ready, they may start shifting and balancing their dark ripples as we continue to hold space for them.
There are going to be members of our community that refuse to see their dark missteps and refuse to come back into balance and harmony with the Light. It only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch. We allow them to continue down the path that they are creating for themselves.
We check our own Spiritual Egos, remind ourselves that we can’t save anyone that doesn’t want to be saved. We remove and cut ties with them in our circles and communities. Sending them away with Light, Love, compassion, and the hope that one day they may find their way back to the Light Wisdom.
Though our Light Work is intended to help those in need, we use discernment when offering our light to others. We only offer it to those that are deserving, willing, and ready to work in the Light.
Otherwise, our Light is siphoned off into a void of darkness, never to be seen again.
When our actions are focused on keeping the Light in balance and in harmony it creates ripples of abundance for us. The Light Workers, Light Walkers, and Healers that live mindfully in this alignment sow seeds of joy, peace, and oneness into their lives and the community.
Light Alignment
This alignment with the Light, Karma, Justice, and the Three-Fold Law unfolds beauty around the Light Community but too often the Earth is excluded.
The Light Work we do with our communities and in the cosmos gives us a sense of entitlement over the Earth. Our Spiritual Egos feel that we can just take want we want from the Earth as a reward for the Light Work.
Light Workers, Light Walkers and Healers often get lost in this Human Construct, forgetting that there is a give and receive relationship that ripples between us and the Earth.
Light Workers, Light Walkers, and Healers use the Earth to set down our troubles and negative energy. The Earth transforms this energy and sends it back to us in Love and Light.
The Earth is more than happy to take part in this process. She is a mother, she loves us conditionally, but this relationship is not one-sided. Another layer of Light Work is returning Love, Light, and strength back to the Earth.
The Earth and Human Agreement
Let’s get one thing correct, the Earth does not need us to heal her. The problem isn't that the Earth is going to dry up and never have energy again. The problem is that we feel entitled to take as much of the Earth as we want. That we strip the Earth of her resources.
If we do not step back into harmony and balance with the Earth, the Earth will choose to take it all away.
Coming back into balance and harmony with the Earth starts with knowing that the Earth holds different energies and what actions we should be taking within those areas. In other words, it’s important to know what land you are standing on.
The Earth has Indigenous land, Sacred sites, Chakra Centers, Ceremonial sites, Vortex, Portals, Cosmos alignment points, and Burial sites. These places have a different set of boundaries than your backyard. Regardless of where we are standing, we need to be mindful of what we are taking.
Sacred Sites often offer energy freely. We don’t have to ask for it, but there is reciprocation that is demanded around these sites. Otherwise, there may come a time when they are no longer Sacred because they are not being treated as such. Which has happened before.
Colonization created this disconnection in the relationship the Human Collective had with the Earth.
Sacred Land
Many moons ago all humans knew of the relationship and agreement between the Earth and Humans. We only took what we needed and offered reciprocation for all that we took. When animals and humans passed, we buried the bodies in the Earth so that she may feed from them to bring new life.
The Sacred Lands had human stewards assigned to them, tending to each land’s needs. It was an honor to be a steward, there was training and sacrifice involved in being a steward. Stewards communicated with the community, about what the Sacred Land was calling for.
Communities held ceremonies, left offerings of plants, prayers, blood, Light, energy, dancing, and singing to return balance and harmony to the Light Pattern of the Earth.
Some Sacred Lands still have stewards and communities looking after them, but many were stolen by colonizers, wanting to control and separate us from our connection to the land. It has happened all over the world. Sacred Land was STOLEN from their stewards.
Today, many within the Human Collective treat stolen Sacred Land as if they are playgrounds. Playgrounds funded by the government and easily replaced at a given moment.
People come to the Sacred Land just to mark it off their bucket list. They take stones, water, plants all without asking, and take photos to just prove they were there, all while leaving no thanks or offerings in return.
I was gifted the opportunity to travel to Sedona Arizona to visit the Sacred Vortexes there. I had heard so much about the power and energy that was offered there. I was excited for the opportunity to stand in them and to learn from them.
These Sacred Vortex centers are powerful, they swirl and vibrate with life, the Earth’s energy, and Light Patterns. It’s said that whether you are tuned or not, you leave shifted and transformed. Many people come from all over the world to experience it.
My experience there opened my eyes to the relationship and the sacred agreement that we as Light Workers, Healers, and Light Walkers share with the Earth. Observing the waves of people filtering in out of these areas, only a few sat and held the experience that was offered in this massively beautiful scenic landscape.
Most were just coming to mark off their bucket list. Bored children, tired from hiking ran unruly without ever being given an explanation where they were or the sacredness they were standing in. There were couples bickering and fussing over the hike and doing future planning.
Watching this all play out in front of me, my heart sank and became heavy. I tried my best to melt into the moment and the land for my shifting experience. I felt unsettled as I listened to the land cry out. The land cried to be seen, cried to be respected, cried to be loved and honored, and cried for the reunited to its stewards.
This Sacred Land deserved to be more than a photo op.
Sacred Lands Gift
Every person, whether they are conscious of it or not, whether they spend a minute or an hour in Sacred Land, they leave with a piece of it in them. Even if they don’t take any stones. When you step onto these Sacred Sites, the land starts filling you.
If we are not mindful, aligned, and present we end up returning the wrong energy back to the land or nothing at all.
The first night I was so lost and heart heavy with all I observed that I carried that with me to every spot we went afterwards. Some of the burden that weighed on the land, the sadness, grief, and cry for help came with me.
The awareness that the land deserves reciprocation and connection to its stewards also came with me.
I was upset and sad the rest of the trip.
I was so stuck in my own Spiritual Ego of wanting a personal revelation, energy shift, or transformation and pissed off at the world for taking from the land, that I didn’t appreciate what opened to me.
The land shifted my ability to understand the Earth, transformed the relationship I held with it. I did all I could with my limited time, to dance, sing, and praise the beauty that unfolded around me.
Now when I hear that any Light Workers, Healers, or Light Walkers, heading down that way I ask them to do little offerings of songs, dance, and prayers to the land.
Offerings to the Land
An elaborate offering ceremony to the Earth is not needed. That’s not what’s being asked. All that is needed is for you to know what land you are standing on and to take actions to honor it properly.
Singing songs, holding space, or dancing is enough if you are not indigenous to the land.
If you choose to take plants or seed offerings, check in with land, is that really something the land wants?
Decide not to climb a monument like a cairn in Ireland for a better selfie.
Leave your pets at home so they don’t chase the local wildlife.
Called to leave a spiritual symbol? Draw it with Light energy rather than carving or painting it.
It is our promise to the Earth to protect the knowledge and the land of these Sacred Sites.
Teach anyone you may bring or others that may be there, what it means to be standing on Sacred Land as well as the importance of honoring the relationship with the Land.
Remember Light Workers, Light Walkers, and Healers that it is your responsibility to maintain the Sacredness, Health, and Life of the Land, you are not owed anything from the Earth, it’s just part of the work.
We Are Owed Nothing
Whenever I take a stroll in nature or do ceremonies, I pick up trash. Especially, if I'm asking to take anything from that area, lava stones for lodges, water for ceremonies, or a tiny piece of plant or stone to place on my altar.
Rarely, am I turned down.
During my last trip to Ireland, I desperately wanted to bring a stone back for a friend. I just couldn't find it. I was walking back to the car after visiting the final Sacred Site. Everything in my body was telling me that the stone I was looking for was there, but with each step I was getting closer to the car park.
In frustration sighed thinking,
“Why can I not find this stone? I’ve picked up all this trash along the way, I deserve this stone. I am not asking much. Why can I not find it?”
Very clearly, a response came from the Land,
“Dear child, you do not deserve a stone, just because you picked up trash. You are merely doing the small task of maintaining the land. You are owed nothing.”
Humbling moment.
My human narrative had decided that because I had done something for the land that it meant that I was owed something.
My intention for doing good was so that I could be rewarded. That is not balance and harmony. Our intentions must be pure and for the highest good of all.
We do these actions because that is standing in the Light. Our “reward” is our Light and the connection that comes with it.
After giving gratitude to the land for the lesson and letting go of the desire of a stone. I was gifted the stone for my friend.
This relationship of giving and receiving is not only with the Earth, but with all the nations, the Creatures (humans included), the Cosmos, the Waters, the Fires, the Winds, the Plants, the Stones, and the Ancestors.
We are grateful for these relationships because if they didn’t exist, we wouldn’t know the wisdom, freedom, and connection that’s passed to us.
As Light Walkers, Light Workers, and Healers our actions add to the Light that balance the scale back into Light, keeping the dark at bay.
We trust the Universe will ripple the Light back to us all in Divine Timing.
Would you like to share gratitude for this Light Message? You could always buy me a cup of tea. - Thank you!
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