Listening to the Universe.
For some time, I’ve felt the whispers of change coming for me. It’s time for me to release my doubts and fears and to take a chance to stand in my skills as a healer. The universe has asked me to have faith and go with the flow for almost two years. I seconded guessed all those whispers and signs. Overthinking every sign as something I was just making up as a sign and talking myself out of what I knew within. For a while I wondered if I was just being rebellious and trying to make trouble for myself. Can you say shadow work?
In August I finally started to create the changes I wanted and what the universe as asking me to trust. Yet, I was still holding on and falling back on the comfortable safe things. I was going to make the change in a “timely safe” manner. I’m understanding that was not fast enough for the universe. I feel that is because I had been ignoring the change for so long. I had, had the time to safely make the change, but I was too afraid and choose not too.
“If you don’t listen to the universe, it will knock you on your ass until you do. ”
RIP dearest Triton.
If you’ve known me long enough, I’ve always said, “If you don’t listen to the universe, it will knock you on your ass until you do.” This time around the final sign was literally for me to be smashed in the ass to see if I’d get the message.
Fortunately, yet unfortunately, it was my car was what was smashed. Taking my job and main source of income away. I’d been saying for the last few years I needed to end that job, but my healing work wasn’t paying for all the bills I had. Now, Poor Triton (my car) has been officially totaled. Who knew being the third car rearended could total a car?!? Now, I’m carless too (exciting) and have a lot of free time to do all the things I said I didn’t time for.
It may seem like my life is falling to pieces but in fact it’s falling into place. It took some time to process everything what was happening to me (you should always take the time to process).
This journey is way more than losing my job. It is about taking a look at the complacency I grew accustomed to. Looking deeply at what stories, people, and delusions I was holding onto and allowing to hold me back. (sidenote: the people I’m referring to held no ill will towards me and I hold no judgement towards them, it was just time for a change)
Once again, I have a clean slate. My bills have reduced to almost nothing and all I have are possibilities which are limitless. The people in my life are unbelievably supportive and excited to see what comes of all my chances. They believe I’m going to do amazing things. I’m trying to see that myself.
So, here I go! I am taking a leap of faith into myself, skills, and universal flow to change my life. I get to create the reality I deserve and do the work that I’ve come here to do. My life’s purpose. It’s completely terrifying and exciting.