Author’s Note: This is a continuation from the piece “Earth is Calling”. I will be diving into how the 7 Deadly Sins are showing up in the healing community. Each week there will be one piece on the 7 Deadly Sins and one piece on the 7 Heavenly Virtues. I don’t follow a religion but do believe how these energies appear in the Human Collective. The intention of this piece is for reflection and awareness.


Let’s begin to weave an understanding of the Sloth energy within the Healer, Light Worker, Light Walker, community. The Catholic interpretation of Sloth energy is the lack of care to follow God's plan. When looking at this from a Light Worker’s, Light Walker’s, or Healer’s perspective it’s the lack of care for the big picture and the grand scheme of the Light Wisdom. At its core Sloth energy in our community is a disconnection from the work and higher perspective of the Light Wisdom.

We become distracted by all the things of this time such as social media, celebrities, war, politics, and a crumbling economic structure. It's no wonder that those within our community would seek the comfort and freedom that lies within the cosmos. It feels better to be in the space of the cosmos or other spiritual realms because we are reminded that Earthly possessions will not make us happy and that the Human Collective is stressed out, burdened, and angry. So, we escape into the cosmos and other realms to avoid falling into the trap of Earthly possessions and tribulations. Which leads to us becoming what I call a “Shadow Healer”.

A Shadow Healer is someone working from a space much like their Shadow Self. Someone that only does the work that feels good and blissful. Similar to the “Good Vibes Only Tribe” these workers stay far away from the dark and dirty work. Not embracing the duality of the Light and Dark. Just as our Shadow Selves are put in place for protection, the Shadow Healer is attempting to protect themself. The problem with Shadow Healers is that they lose touch with those they are trying to heal or awaken to the Light Wisdom. They lose their connection to the struggles and tribulations within the Human Collective because they become addicted to being free of all burdens.

One client told me they didn't feel connected to the spiritual community they had been working with because they were all so focused on psychedelics. Using hallucinogens and psychedelics regularly is a form of laziness, because it creates a space for the Shadow Healer. Spending more time high and floating in the cosmos away from the world's problems is running away from the duty at hand.

We must not forget that as spiritual as psychedelics and hallucinogens can be, they are governed by Plant Spirits. Those Plant Spirits will only take you as far as they want you to go. If you start abusing their gifts, the places they'll start taking you is not where any Light Walker, Light Worker, or Healer should be, which is further away from your purpose. Now is not the time to be spaced or cosmos-ed out. We must remember why we are here.

Part of the big picture of the Light Wisdom is not about individuals escaping burdens but is about breaking free of our burdens and returning to the rhythm of the Earth. It’s learning how to weave old traditions into today's narrative. To walk on this Earth, with all our tribulations surrounding us and not allowing them to become our burdens.

Staying rooted within the Earth forces us to face not only the burdens and tribulations of our community but also those who wish to be in our community. This helps us to be better Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers, because we know where our clients are coming from. We can offer a safer space with more capacity for compassion and grace in what they are navigating because we navigated it ourselves.

Yet, knowing this and staying rooted to the work in the Earth doesn't stop the Shadow Healer from emerging. This work in the Light Wisdom is no easy task and it often becomes incredibly overwhelming. When you can see the darkness all around the Earth, then the Earth becomes an even scarier place to live. Still, the Shadow Healer does appear when the heaviness of the work at hand overwhelms us. The Shadow Healer comes from a very real space of disassociation and circles back into Spiritual Ego.

As Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers our Shadow Healer shows us that we aren’t in the right relationship with our Spiritual Ego. We must balance ourselves between not having enough ego and having too much ego. When the state of overwhelm sets in due to the darkness we see, our fear, doubt, and unworthiness creeps to the surface. These feelings and emotions trigger our Shadow Healer to sabotage our connection to our authentic selves. This is a way the dark energies keep Light Wisdom in the dark.

For decades, I have been called to this work. I have been called to share my story and my wisdom of words to the world. Between dyslexia, critical adults, and teachers, I couldn’t see the value I would or could bring to the Light Wisdom work. Even after walking this path of Spiritual Healer for many years, I settled into the idea that I would just be an apprentice for my entire spiritual journey. It’s taken me until now to truly see and accept the value I bring to the Light Wisdom work. Yet, I still have my doubts. Who am I that I’d be special enough to make a difference? Why is my story something that others would resonate with? How could anyone find meaning or tools within my story to navigate their own journey?

As it turns out, it’s my job to find the tools and wisdom within my story. I’ve personally gone through many versions of being a Spiritual Healer, and I expect many more versions to come. As I am always learning and growing. One thing I do know is that the Shadow Healer comes out regardless of how aligned with your work you are. It’s not something to be ashamed of. It is merely a tool for self-reflection on why it is appearing.

Sitting down to write this piece, I realized that a large factor in the Shadow Healer comes from a lack of confidence within ourselves. Understanding that Shadow Healer arises from a place of darkness. Not the darkness that we're trying to work against, but with the good darkness, the unknown darkness. Which is why it's so important for Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers to work in the duality of Light and Dark. Good and Bad. Positive and Negative. There is need for balance of the Light and Dark within ourselves, the Universe, and Earth. Like the Ying and the Yang, we can’t have one without the other. When we work in that duality, we start to discover that there is a space of darkness that is just the unknown and it is neutral.  This unknown neutral space tends to trigger all those emotions like unworthiness, fear, and doubt. It’s asking us to reflect and understand what is bubbling to the surface.

When we're in this unknown neutral space, choosing not to do the reflection of why our emotions are bubbling to the surface, our Shadow Healer steps in to take over and protect us. The Shadow Healer brings in a certain level of laziness and confusion on how to move forward on our spiritual journey. With it a lack of motivation and inspiration arises. Then we become stuck. Our Spiritual Ego doesn’t want to face unknown neutral energy because what if we get hurt? What if it doesn’t work? What if we fail? What if we become humbled? What if we must face another universal lesson?

This Shadow Healer working with the Spiritual Ego does a great disservice, because it is preventing so many Light Workers, Light Walkers, and Healers from moving forward on their journey. This disservice prevents new Light Wisdom from being woven into the patterns of the Earth. It’s time to come back down into the Earth and get our metaphysical hands dirty to remember that we only grow in the dark unknown neutral spaces. It is within that space that we grow, blossom, and transform into alignment with our true purpose.

Author’s Note: if reading this stirred up unsettling feelings for yourself. I do offer a FREE CONSULTATION, let’s chat and see if I’m the healer that could help you navigate the “Shadow Healer Era”. I also have an active listening vent session SPILL THE TEA. We’re all in this together. Let’s heal together.

Mystic MacFinnian

Mystic MacFinnian is an Intuitive Mystic, Practicing Reiki Master, Space Holder, Tarot/Oracle Reader and Plant Medicine Worker. They are a Healer for the Healer, Light Worker, and Light Walker community. They are the Storm that rattles the dark to bring what’s needed to the surface to create reflection, change, and balance for those looking for it. Using their intuitive healing gifts, they create a safe healing space for you to set down your worries and heal. Working deeply with the Earth, the Elements and their ancestors, they ground with you and bring you into alignment with the rhythms of the Earth.

Nature has been their teacher and healer since they were in elementary school. Running about the school yard identifying plants, their medicine, and making different potions. Following their intuition, they found breathtaking, peaceful, natural wonderlands when they needed a break from society to rest, recharge, and relax.

Ireland had been calling to them since they were 6 years old. Finally, preparing for the trip at the age of 31, their life shifted completely, they experienced the Tower Card in real time. The Universe, the Ancestors, and Spirit cleared all the things that were no longer serving out of their life. Lighting the path to the Light Wisdom.

After their last trip to Ireland, the ancestors were clear, they were done waiting. It’s time to write the messages the world needs to hear for healing. Weaving in ancient wisdom of their Irish Ancestors into today’s world they are one of many bringing the Light Wisdom out of the dark. They created a Healing Healer blog to share that Light Wisdom. They are also working on bringing community back to Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers, first with a community support page on Facebook and plans to expand into other platforms to create real connection. The intention is to have a community that supports, guides, and celebrates each other free of ego, pride, and greed.

Mystic MacFinnian has been building their spiritual healing skills and techniques throughout their teens and 20s. Learning first the art of meditation and Tarot Oracle readings. At 27 healing Sweat Lodges sparked a fire in their soul and they started the spiritual journey of becoming a Fire Keeper.

They started taking their spiritual path seriously after their life went into chaos. They took a break from healing others and focused on healing within. Through their quest to travel to Ireland and their Reiki One - the Foundation of Self-Care they were able to spring back from the pits of despair and advance finding their own way into the healing realm.

Mystic MacFinnian went on to becoming a Practicing Reiki Energy Master, knowing that becoming a Master just means that they’ve agreed to continue to learn and grow on this spiritual path. They also became a Prana Touch Healing Practitioner, working in Plant Spirit Medicine they create healing intuitive teas and oils. Their practice Bloomed into Intuitive Readings using Tarot and Oracle cards as tools to receive direct messages from the ancestors, guides, and angels.

“My ideal client is a healer, either beginning their spiritual healing path or having an existing healing practice to help others for years. Clients should have an open heart, mind, and be ready for change. Ready to continue the healing work.“

Mystic MacFinnian has been trained in Shamanic Practices but was directed to change paths to that of a Mystic. A Mystic works in the patterns and rhythms of the web of life, knowing all life to be sacred, and sees beyond, to witness all perspectives and weaving them into a pattern called for at this time.

Understanding & Working in the Lughnasadh Season


Working In Divine Timing