Healing Healers Blog

Our Roles and their Dualities

When I first started writing ‘The Earth is Calling’ I had no idea what was unfolding. I thought I’d be writing one piece and moving on. Then I received the message that there was more to the story. Diving deeper into the relationship of the 7 Deadly Sins and 7 Heavenly Virtues as they relate to the Healer, Light Worker, and Light Walker community. I assumed that for every Sin there would be an opposite Virtue to correct the behavior of that Sin. Thinking that duality always equals the opposite behavior. I'm coming to understand it doesn't work out quite like that, there’s duality within each Sin and Virtue. The duality that is being explored within these pieces is the duality between the Human Experience and the Divine Way.

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The Shadow Healer

Let’s begin to weave an understanding of the Sloth energy within the Healer, Light Worker, Light Walker, community. The Catholic interpretation of Sloth energy is the lack of care to follow God's plan. When looking at this from a Light Worker’s, Light Walker’s, or Healer’s perspective it’s the lack of care for the big picture and the grand scheme of the Light Wisdom. At its core Sloth energy in our community is a disconnection from the work and higher perspective of the Light Wisdom.

We become distracted by all the things of this time such as social media, celebrities, war, politics, and a crumbling economic structure. It's no wonder that those within our community would seek the comfort and freedom that lies within the cosmos.

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