A Healing Quest:

The Arthurian Weaving

What to know about this Online Healing Quest:

All levels of knowledge welcome!


68-week (16 months)


16 months – $200 monthly tuition


Samhain October 31st 2024


January 29th 2026


Online Group/Circle – in Private Facebook Group


1 weekly Facebook Live class lasting 1 hour

Thursdays 3:00 to 4:00pm MST in the Facebook private group


Independent tasks varying each week & daily meditation 


Solstice, Equinox & Cross-Quarter

Participation Requirements:

None – you’ll get out of this Quest the effort you put in.

Facebook Group Benefit:

Group discussions and support from other Questers

Intention of this class:

Transformation of self. Self-Reflection. Deepen connection to inner self and your intuition. Align yourself with the Earth’s rhythms, patterns and cycles.

Additional Purchases:

Dedicated Journal. Arthurian Tarot Deck - Not required but highly recommended if your intention is to strengthen your Tarot/Oracle Skills

FYI – this is based in the Northern Hemisphere. If you are located in the South Hemisphere, it is not recommended to join this Quest as our seasons are opposite to each other.

The Earth is calling for you to remember how to work in alignment with her and her cycles. Remembering that we are not separate but made up of her very essence, among other things. We were called here to the land to learn, be in harmony, and be a protector of the knowledge that is woven into every flowing river, every pathway and every migration track created by its creatures, every plant dancing in the wind, every cleansing fire, and every mighty stone holding the Earth in place. It’s our duty to understand the wisdom and strength of these alignments. When we remember and understand our role in this Sovereign land, we create a deeper connection not only to the land but to our own being.

Understanding the Earth’s cycles, rhythms, and patterns of its seasons allows you to recognize how these cycles, rhythms, and patterns show up in your life. Starting with understanding that every day we live in the rhythm of the seasons. Sunrise being Spring: reborn fresh and ready for a new start. Midday being Summer: ready for action and achieving goals. Evening being Autumn: reaping the harvests of the day, resting and gathering with friends and family. Ending with Night being Winter: death and ending, time for sleep and dream weaving. When you live your life in that daily rhythm you can offer yourself more compassion and grace for what you’re able to achieve daily. Weaving the knowledge of the land into yourself allows you to see and understand your own inner landscape.

So, I ask, are you ready to step into deeper connection with your own being, your role, and your duty on this Earth?

If yes, then going forward you are stepping into commitment you are making for yourself. That starts with surrendering to the unknown and signing up for this Healing Quest. It continues with you showing up for yourself in your own sovereignty daily. Working in the duality of light and dark to discover what needs healing and what creates your strength.

Aiding you along this quest will be the wisdom of Mystic MacFinnian who has vowed to be a steward of the land, to work and to teach others to live in the alignment of the earth’s patterns. Additional tools that will be used to aiding this Healing Quest are the course book The Hallowquest and The Arthurian Tarot deck, both created by Caitlin and John Matthews. They brought forward the Arthurian Tarot through deep meditation. Every card and image depicted are deeply woven from their dedication and connection to the land, lore, and archetypes of the Arthurian Tale. Most of us are familiar with King Arthur and his quest for the Holy Grail. What you may not know is that there was a larger understanding of what they were searching for. They were looking for the Hallows, also referred to as “Holy Objects”. The Hallows are the 4 suits of the Arthurian Tarot Deck, the Sword, the Spear, the Grail, and the Stone, and are all tools for healing. By obtaining Hallows you become the victor of the Hallows which transforms you into the ruler and a guardian of the land. For the purpose of this quest, that land is you, your sovereignty and your inner landscape.

Sidenote: even though the Arthurian Legend is referred to as a Britain folklore and landscape, there is crossover to Irish or Celtic Folklore, legends, and archetypes.

At the start of this Healing Quest, you are transformed into the Seeker. Bright eyed and ready for the quest ahead, without a doubt in your mind that you will be successful and be the victor of the Hallows. As the Seeker you will start with preparing for the quest. This preparation work gives you a perspective of where you are currently on your healing journey. It will assist you in understanding how you are able to show up for yourself to do the work. It will also give you a glimpse of the work ahead.  

This quest preparation starts on October 31st and will last until the Winter Solstice. On the Winter Solstice there will be a ceremony to welcome in the season and to celebrate the beginning of the Quest. Each Solstice and Equinox will have their own ceremonies, as will the Cross-quarter days. 

Each week there is a series of tasks or meditations associated with a Tarot card, intended to create self-reflection, growth, or transformation. You will be prompted to step into yourself with the assistance of a Tarot card to navigate that reflection or awareness. Navigating the landscape of the season will help you deepen your connection to that season. Know that you are not required to complete every task or meditation. As you walk this path of the Seeker, there are going to be cards, tasks, or meditations that will challenge you or make you want to throw in the towel. Luckily you will not be completely alone on this quest.

There will be a Facebook private group solely dedicated to this Healing Quest. Everyone within the group will be working with the same tasks, meditations and sometimes challenges. You’ll be able to post your challenges or questions, as well as request help there. This approach will allow anyone to come to your aid, including Mystic MacFinnian. You’ll even have the option to even post anonymously if you’re feeling a little nervous about anyone knowing it’s you. Please check in with us and yourself before you give up on a task or meditation but trust your own knowing that you’re standing in what’s for your highest good.  

For those that choose to purchase the Arthurian Tarot Deck, there will be tasks to take you one step further into your understanding of the deck, the seasons, and where you are, at that moment. These tasks will be daily card pulls or different card spreads based on the season or archetype you are working with. 

You will be Questing through each season, with the final season starting on the Autumn Equinox and ending at the Winter Solstice. At the Winter Solstice there will be 5 weeks dedicated to the closing of the Quest. During this time, you will be weaving what you learned through the Healing Quest with where you are in that moment. This will enable you to move forward into your next chapter with ease.   

The Intention of this Healing Quest is to create transformation in your life, connecting you, and aiding you in hearing the Archetypes and land speak. If you choose to purchase the Arthurian Tarot deck, then the intention is also to transform your Tarot/Oracle reading abilities. Other intended transformations will be that you trust yourself and your intuition, and a greater understanding of your inner landscape and how the world around you shapes that landscape. All this while you learn about the ways of old traditions and how to weave them into today’s world.

So, what are you waiting for?  

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Mystic MacFinnian

Class Policies

Type of classes and fees

One Day Class = 1 date with 1 class fee

Multi-Week Class = 1 class per week (normally same date and time each week) with 1 class fee

Multi-Month Class = 1 class per week and group check-ins (normally same date and time each week) with a monthly tuition.

Getting Ready for Class

Class size is limited. You must reserve your spot in the class.

Reserve your spot by registering and placing a payment for the class.

Registration includes filling out the Class Intake form. Please fill it out with as much information as possible.

If you have any questions or need the registration link sent to you, please feel free to contact Mystic MacFinnian (208) 957-8687.

Come with an open heart, reading and willing to do the work.

Bring a journal and pen for any notes you’d like to take.

You will receive from the class the effort you put into the class.

Remember to be respectful to yourself and your fellow classmates.

Rescheduling & Cancellation Policies

Mystic MacFinnian understands that unexpected changes can arise.

If you are unable to make it to any of the classes due to unforeseen scheduling. Contact Mystic MacFinnian as soon as possible as you may be able to move to the next class start dates.

Conflicts in class dates must be discussed with Mystic MacFinnian 5 days before class start date.

Reschedules: there is no fee to reschedule a class.

One Day Class

If there is another class scheduled, you may switch to that class. Contact Mystic MacFinnian with asap for arrangements.

Multi-Week and Multi-Month Classes:

There is no rescheduling for an individual class. All class dates are made available to you at the time of registration. All classes are recorded and are made available to all students registered to that class.

If you can’t make it to any class dates. There may be an option to switch you into a different time of that class, if it’s being offered. Otherwise, you’ll be placed on a class Wait List or proceeded to Cancellation of the class.


One Day & Multi-Week Classes

Any cancellations made:

5+ days before class start date will be fully refunded the class tuition.

4 days before class start date will be refunded 90% of the class tuition.

3 days before class start date will be refunded 75% of the class tuition.

2 days before class start date will be refunded 60% of the class tuition.

1 day before class start date will be refunded 50% of the class tuition.

“NO SHOWS” will be charged 50% of the class fee.


Must be cancelled 14 days before first class start date for a full refund of first month’s tuition and remaining automated monthly tuition payments will be stopped.

Any cancellations made between:

13-11 days before class start date will be refunded 90% of the 1st month’s tuition.

10-8 days before class start date will be refunded 75% of the class tuition.

7-5 days before class start date will be refunded 60% of the 1st month’s tuition.

4-1 days before class start date will be refunded 50% of the class tuition.

All remaining automated monthly tuition payments will be stopped.

“NO SHOWS” will be charged half of the duration of class's tuition. If you do not show for class, respond to messages, or participate in online group discussions for half of the duration of class Mystic Michelle will remove you from the group, mailing list and monthly tuition payments.

“NO SHOWS” are classified as those that do not come to class or speak with Mystic MacFinnian.

Other Cancellations or Reschedules

If you end up being the only person registered for the class. You will have three options:

-Be placed on a waitlist for the next class offered

-Cancel and receive a full refund

-Do the class solo

Either way Mystic MacFinnian will reach out to you to see how you would like to month forward.

Multi-Week & Multi-Month cancellation after class starts

There are no cancellations for classes that are in process.

Mystic MacFinnian understands that things happen beyond our control. If you need to leave class for any unseen reason, you MUST speak to Mystic MacFinnian to determine what/if any refunds can be made or have monthly tuition payments stopped. You will not receive ANY refunds or have monthly tuition payments stopped if you do not speak to Mystic MacFinnian first.

Payment Policies

Online Classes:

One Day Classes

Are required to pay the full amount of the class at time of scheduling the class.

Mutli-Week Classes

Have the option to pay in full at the time of scheduling the class or set up payment arrangements with Mystic MacFinnian.

Mutli-Month Classes

Will pay a monthly tuition for the total amount of months indicated on the registration page. At registration you will pay the first month tuition.

In-Person Classes:

One Day Classes

Are required to at least pay deposit equal to 50% of the class price at the time of scheduling the class. Remaining payment for the class is due at time of your class.

Mutli-Week Classes

Have the option to pay in full at the time of scheduling the class or set up payment arrangements with Mystic MacFinnian.


All payments are to be made via Debit and Credit cards, checks, PayPal, or Venmo.

To set up payment arrangements you must contact Mystic MacFinnian before registering for class.

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