Author’s Note: This is a continuation from the piece “Earth is Calling”. I will be diving into how the 7 Deadly Sins are showing up in the healing community. Each week there will be one piece on the 7 Deadly Sins and one piece on the 7 Heavenly Virtues. I don’t follow a religion but do believe how these energies appear in the Human Collective. The intention of this piece is for reflection and awareness.

Being a Healer, Light Worker, or Light Walker today is very strange. You must have a certain amount of ego to attract new clients to your practice or platform of Wisdom sharing. It is a fine line to walk between the right amount of ego and the ego that slips into Pride or as I call it “Spiritual Ego”.

We are required to prove to others that we have the ability to heal them on their healing journey or spiritual path. Yet, you must draw a boundary on how far you’re willing to go to prove your capabilities. At some point “proving” your powers to others can become overkill. You must reflect and ask yourself,

“What are my intentions for showing this? How is this helpful to this person? Is this for highest good for either of us?”

When a client of mine was working with another Spiritual Healer, this healer needed the client to know how powerful they were. So, this healer placed a rock in my client’s hand, and started doing something energetically (I wasn’t there, so I don’t know what it was) to the rock that made it increasingly hot. So hot that it came to the point where my client could no longer hold onto the rock, and they had to drop it.  My client brought this story to me talking about how they didn’t like the feeling of why the Healer did this. It made them very uncomfortable and now they didn’t want to work with this Healer because it felt threatening.

My first question was, “What was their intention of showing you this?” My client’s response was “just to show me how powerful they are”. This may not have been their intention, but this is an example of Spiritual Ego. Their need for a client to know just how powerful they are is Pride. And this type of Spiritual Ego is doing damage to the healing community. This is not only damaging to the Healer who is now losing the respect of a client, but they are creating a narrative that healers are dangerous. Luckily, this client, recognized that not all healers are this way. Others may not have that knowledge, especially if they are just stepping into the Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers community.

Spiritual Ego is a downfall of the Human Collective, and it happens. We have been placed in human bodies, we are not perfect, we make mistakes. It is our responsibly though to keep our egos in check. As Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers it is our duty to remain humble about the gifts that we share with clients and those around us. Many of us walking this path are very powerful and gifted, but not all gifts are for our clients. We must use discernment when choosing what we are sharing with our clients and others around us. Discernment about whether or not we are walking into Spiritual ego. Remember that not everyone is ready nor prepared to jump off into the spiritual deep end.

Our Spiritual Ego shows up and decides that we are the saviors here to fix them all, expose them to everything now, but we may not understand that is like asking them to drink out of a firehose. What ends up happening is we start placing our own emotional attachment to someone else’s healing journey or awakening. Our pride then takes a hit if they leave us or don’t listen to our direction. Some may even go as far as crossing someone’s free will, to force them to heal or awaken.

What we don’t want to do as Healers, Light Walkers, or Light Walkers is to overstep and freak people out to a point where they don’t want to seek help from anyone else. This appears when we forget the most important thing about being a Healer, Light Worker, or Light Walker, which is that we are just one of the tools helping someone on their healing path. They are responsible for their healing. We are just the reflection of light, love, and connection to the Sacred Divine to show them what it looks like to be in alignment on this spiritual journey.

It is our job to stand in our Light and Sovereignty, to gently aid someone in healing or awakening, if that’s what they are asking us to do. It does require the client’s permission. Knowing that our gifts and abilities come from a space of connection and alignment to the Sacred Divine. And they are just that, GIFTS. These gifts are offered to us in order for us to assist in the healing and awakening of others. Our healing gifts are a divine right to us, but as humans in this human experience we would be foolish to believe that we are solely responsible for these gifts. 

There is an amount of pride and ego that is needed but needs to remain focused and humble. Knowing that these gifts and abilities are going to assist others. We do need that fine line of ego that attracts our clients and others to us. This rests in the understanding our own worth, in being called to this work. Understanding that we were willing to take the knowledge and Wisdom Light we gained to help others as well as, giving gratitude to the Divine Sacred for allowing us to be the conduits or tools.

What does it look like to walk that line?

It starts by building relationships with potential clients. Slowly introducing ourselves to them and allowing them to get a feel for us and what we have to offer. This way, we as the Healers, Light Walkers, or Light Workers can get a sense of what would be for that client’s highest good.

Personally, if I’m working with someone that is timid about this type of healing, I treat them differently than a client I’ve been working with for serval months. Gently easing them into a session. As we go on, I feel out the energy of what’s for the client’s and my highest good.

Building that relationship will also help us to know if we are the right fit for that client. It requires us to be honest with ourselves and the client that they may need the assistance of another Healer, Light Walker, or Lighter Worker that would be better suited for them.

This is not the fastest way to earning an income in this capitalistic world, but it is a way to build a reputation that reflects our Light and Sovereignty. Plus, this gives the Healer, Light Worker, and Light Walker community a reputation of being a space where everyone feels safe, and all their needs are being met.  

Don’t get me wrong, it would be lovely to have a loyal group of clients overnight with a flowing income, but I want to remain in alignment in my Light Wisdom and Sovereignty for myself and for my clients. Knowing that everything I put my Light Wisdom into is for the highest good of everyone involved. I like to remind my clients I am not the one creating their healing. They are the ones doing the work, I am just the tool, they allow me to be the conduit to bridge and weave the healing into them.

Some shock and awe Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers do gain a bountiful, loyal following. It’s interesting and sometimes frighting to watch things unfold for this group and their followers. The popularity of this kind of Healer, Light Worker, and Light Walker brings about what I consider to be the dark healer energy.

Their clients almost are like a fan club, blindly following what their “leaders/teachers” are telling them to do. Which can be very dangerous for the fans if they aren’t given the proper and safe directions. Like playing with matches in a room full of fireworks. Some examples income: A client’s traumas being blasted open in a session without fully releasing them and just stirring them up. Then the clients are allowed to leave without any tools for working with the trauma that is now sitting at the surface. Like a live wire ready to shock anyone that gets too close. Even more scary than that, clients or friends being encouraged to channel. To just open themselves up, call out to whatever said entity wants to come in and give full permission for their bodies to be used at any time. They’re not receiving instructions for setting up shields or boundaries. It’s terrifying to think of what could happen to someone that is willy nilly, allowing an unknown entity to control their bodies whenever they wish. Yet, when another Healer, Light Worker, or Light Walker steps in to give caution, the client may disregard the information being given if it's not coming from their leader/teacher.

We as Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers, must stop and reflect that just because this was our way of stepping into this realm, doesn’t mean that is how we are to teach our clients and those around us. We walked this path of the unknown wishing that someone could have guided us. Now, we are the guides we wished for.  Part of the humbling of the Spiritual Ego is understanding that just because we suffered through something to get to where we are, doesn’t mean that how we are supposed to lead others. It’s time to let go of the emotions that because you suffered through it, so should others. That is not the way of the Light Wisdom.

There is an energy that has been circling the Healer, Light Worker, and Light Walker communities for a while now. We’ve entered the “Shadow Healer Era”. An era that is unfolding to give Healers, Light Workers, and Light Workers the opportunity to work on their shadow selves. The shadow side of their healing practices and sharing of the Light Wisdom. We need to do self-reflection to make sure we are still standing in the Light Wisdom of our Sovereignty. There is no such thing as a healed healer. We continue in the spiral of life getting deeper and deeper into our own healing. The Light that’s rising is showing us that our shadows are bigger than we realized. Part of that shadow checks in on our Spiritual Egos. Making sure our Ego is on the right side of that fine Ego/Pride line.

Author’s Note: if reading this stirred up unsettling feelings for yourself. I do offer a FREE CONSULTATION, let’s chat and see if I’m the healer that could help you navigate the “Shadow Healer Era”. I also have an active listening vent session SPILL THE TEA. We’re all in this together. Let’s heal together.


Mystic MacFinnian

Mystic MacFinnian is an Intuitive Mystic, Practicing Reiki Master, Space Holder, Tarot/Oracle Reader and Plant Medicine Worker. They are a Healer for the Healer, Light Worker, and Light Walker community. They are the Storm that rattles the dark to bring what’s needed to the surface to create reflection, change, and balance for those looking for it. Using their intuitive healing gifts, they create a safe healing space for you to set down your worries and heal. Working deeply with the Earth, the Elements and their ancestors, they ground with you and bring you into alignment with the rhythms of the Earth.

Nature has been their teacher and healer since they were in elementary school. Running about the school yard identifying plants, their medicine, and making different potions. Following their intuition, they found breathtaking, peaceful, natural wonderlands when they needed a break from society to rest, recharge, and relax.

Ireland had been calling to them since they were 6 years old. Finally, preparing for the trip at the age of 31, their life shifted completely, they experienced the Tower Card in real time. The Universe, the Ancestors, and Spirit cleared all the things that were no longer serving out of their life. Lighting the path to the Light Wisdom.

After their last trip to Ireland, the ancestors were clear, they were done waiting. It’s time to write the messages the world needs to hear for healing. Weaving in ancient wisdom of their Irish Ancestors into today’s world they are one of many bringing the Light Wisdom out of the dark. They created a Healing Healer blog to share that Light Wisdom. They are also working on bringing community back to Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers, first with a community support page on Facebook and plans to expand into other platforms to create real connection. The intention is to have a community that supports, guides, and celebrates each other free of ego, pride, and greed.

Mystic MacFinnian has been building their spiritual healing skills and techniques throughout their teens and 20s. Learning first the art of meditation and Tarot Oracle readings. At 27 healing Sweat Lodges sparked a fire in their soul and they started the spiritual journey of becoming a Fire Keeper.

They started taking their spiritual path seriously after their life went into chaos. They took a break from healing others and focused on healing within. Through their quest to travel to Ireland and their Reiki One - the Foundation of Self-Care they were able to spring back from the pits of despair and advance finding their own way into the healing realm.

Mystic MacFinnian went on to becoming a Practicing Reiki Energy Master, knowing that becoming a Master just means that they’ve agreed to continue to learn and grow on this spiritual path. They also became a Prana Touch Healing Practitioner, working in Plant Spirit Medicine they create healing intuitive teas and oils. Their practice Bloomed into Intuitive Readings using Tarot and Oracle cards as tools to receive direct messages from the ancestors, guides, and angels.

“My ideal client is a healer, either beginning their spiritual healing path or having an existing healing practice to help others for years. Clients should have an open heart, mind, and be ready for change. Ready to continue the healing work.“

Mystic MacFinnian has been trained in Shamanic Practices but was directed to change paths to that of a Mystic. A Mystic works in the patterns and rhythms of the web of life, knowing all life to be sacred, and sees beyond, to witness all perspectives and weaving them into a pattern called for at this time.

Working In Divine Timing


Earth is Calling