For some time, I’ve felt the whispers of change coming for me. It’s time for me to release my doubts and fears and to take a chance to stand in my skills as a healer. The universe has asked me to have faith and go with the flow for almost two years. I seconded guessed all those whispers and signs. Overthinking every sign as something I was just making up as a sign and talking myself out of what I knew within. For a while I wondered if I was just being rebellious and trying to make trouble for myself. Can you say shadow work?

In August I finally started to create the changes I wanted and what the universe as asking me to trust. Yet, I was still holding on and falling back on the comfortable safe things. I was going to make the change in a “timely safe” manner. I’m understanding that was not fast enough for the universe. I feel that is because I had been ignoring the change for so long. I had, had the time to safely make the change, but I was too afraid and choose not too.

If you don’t listen to the universe, it will knock you on your ass until you do.

RIP dearest Triton.

If you’ve known me long enough, I’ve always said, “If you don’t listen to the universe, it will knock you on your ass until you do.” This time around the final sign was literally for me to be smashed in the ass to see if I’d get the message.

Fortunately, yet unfortunately, it was my car was what was smashed. Taking my job and main source of income away. I’d been saying for the last few years I needed to end that job, but my healing work wasn’t paying for all the bills I had. Now, Poor Triton (my car) has been officially totaled. Who knew being the third car rearended could total a car?!? Now, I’m carless too (exciting) and have a lot of free time to do all the things I said I didn’t time for.

It may seem like my life is falling to pieces but in fact it’s falling into place. It took some time to process everything what was happening to me (you should always take the time to process).

This journey is way more than losing my job. It is about taking a look at the complacency I grew accustomed to. Looking deeply at what stories, people, and delusions I was holding onto and allowing to hold me back. (sidenote: the people I’m referring to held no ill will towards me and I hold no judgement towards them, it was just time for a change)

Once again, I have a clean slate. My bills have reduced to almost nothing and all I have are possibilities which are limitless. The people in my life are unbelievably supportive and excited to see what comes of all my chances. They believe I’m going to do amazing things. I’m trying to see that myself.

So, here I go! I am taking a leap of faith into myself, skills, and universal flow to change my life. I get to create the reality I deserve and do the work that I’ve come here to do. My life’s purpose. It’s completely terrifying and exciting.

Mystic MacFinnian

Mystic MacFinnian is an Intuitive Mystic, Practicing Reiki Master, Space Holder, Tarot/Oracle Reader and Plant Medicine Worker. They are a Healer for the Healer, Light Worker, and Light Walker community. They are the Storm that rattles the dark to bring what’s needed to the surface to create reflection, change, and balance for those looking for it. Using their intuitive healing gifts, they create a safe healing space for you to set down your worries and heal. Working deeply with the Earth, the Elements and their ancestors, they ground with you and bring you into alignment with the rhythms of the Earth.

Nature has been their teacher and healer since they were in elementary school. Running about the school yard identifying plants, their medicine, and making different potions. Following their intuition, they found breathtaking, peaceful, natural wonderlands when they needed a break from society to rest, recharge, and relax.

Ireland had been calling to them since they were 6 years old. Finally, preparing for the trip at the age of 31, their life shifted completely, they experienced the Tower Card in real time. The Universe, the Ancestors, and Spirit cleared all the things that were no longer serving out of their life. Lighting the path to the Light Wisdom.

After their last trip to Ireland, the ancestors were clear, they were done waiting. It’s time to write the messages the world needs to hear for healing. Weaving in ancient wisdom of their Irish Ancestors into today’s world they are one of many bringing the Light Wisdom out of the dark. They created a Healing Healer blog to share that Light Wisdom. They are also working on bringing community back to Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers, first with a community support page on Facebook and plans to expand into other platforms to create real connection. The intention is to have a community that supports, guides, and celebrates each other free of ego, pride, and greed.

Mystic MacFinnian has been building their spiritual healing skills and techniques throughout their teens and 20s. Learning first the art of meditation and Tarot Oracle readings. At 27 healing Sweat Lodges sparked a fire in their soul and they started the spiritual journey of becoming a Fire Keeper.

They started taking their spiritual path seriously after their life went into chaos. They took a break from healing others and focused on healing within. Through their quest to travel to Ireland and their Reiki One - the Foundation of Self-Care they were able to spring back from the pits of despair and advance finding their own way into the healing realm.

Mystic MacFinnian went on to becoming a Practicing Reiki Energy Master, knowing that becoming a Master just means that they’ve agreed to continue to learn and grow on this spiritual path. They also became a Prana Touch Healing Practitioner, working in Plant Spirit Medicine they create healing intuitive teas and oils. Their practice Bloomed into Intuitive Readings using Tarot and Oracle cards as tools to receive direct messages from the ancestors, guides, and angels.

“My ideal client is a healer, either beginning their spiritual healing path or having an existing healing practice to help others for years. Clients should have an open heart, mind, and be ready for change. Ready to continue the healing work.“

Mystic MacFinnian has been trained in Shamanic Practices but was directed to change paths to that of a Mystic. A Mystic works in the patterns and rhythms of the web of life, knowing all life to be sacred, and sees beyond, to witness all perspectives and weaving them into a pattern called for at this time.

Who am I? I am a Healer, I am the Storm


My Authentic Self pt.1