Healing Healers Blog

5 Simple Ways to Honor the Autumn Equinox

Autumn is the time of transformation. The bridge between Summer and Winter. During the Autumn Equinox we thank the Sun for the life it brought and all the abundance it created, taking stock of all the achievements, successes, and abundance we received over Spring and Summer. We also honor that the days become shorter, and that Winter is arriving soon, leaving offerings and blessing to the Sun that it may return in the Spring. We give gratitude to the Sun that we are offered the opportunity to slowly transition from the busy goal achieving Summer energies to the Winter Energies of cycles ending and the rest of dreamtime. Autumn also offers us the opportunity to store all that will nourish us during the Winter and release what is no longer nourishing us both physically and emotionally. We are gifted this lesson not only from the plants and trees but the creatures that live in harmony with the Earths cycles.

This Autumn Equinox give yourself permission and grace to simply honor this part of the cycle.

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