Messages from the Light
Season of the Crone pt. 2
Working with the Crone in the Mother Era Part 2 of 3
It’s come to my attention that a fair number of women are stepping into and claiming they are Crone, only they are not yet Crone.
They may have some Crone Wisdom but that doesn’t automatically put you in your Crone era. That’s like saying, “I know how Reiki works. I don’t need Master training. I’m reclaiming and owning that. I am Reiki Master.”
No…Being a Crone isn’t just about having Crone Wisdom. Age plays a huge factor in becoming Crone.
If like me, you’re around the age of 40, we are not even close to our Crone era. Those in their 60s, are preparing for Crone years, but it’s not until our 70s that we walk into the Crone era of our life.
Season of the Crone
Working with the Crone in the Mother Era Part 1 of 3
The Winter season is held by the Cailleach, the old Crone. In the winter of her life the Crone rests in reflection and welcomes death as a friend. In her stillness she whispers stories of life and renewal to the next generation waiting to be birthed in the Spring.
We are sitting in the winter of the Crone and it feels like the perfect opportunity to share my reflections and observations about the Crones that walk this Earth today, what it means to be Crone, and how we honor the Crone.