
2023 Winter Solstice Intuitive Reading

Happy Winter Solstice! With the holiday season coming up and demands of family time there's often a pattern of retriggering trauma. This reading is for anyone that is feeling like they are not living up to their families' ideas of them. Especially for those that are in the LGBTQ+ community!

Learn a little bit about the practices and history of the Winter Solstice as Mystic Michelle learns! Mystic Michelle shares what ceremony they'll be practicing this year. Followed by an Intuitive Tarot Reading with the intention of a focus for the Winter Solstice.

If you are someone that feels alone in this world, that you are not enough, or you're letting others down, there are people you can reach out to! People who will support you for being exactly who you are! People who will shine light on your darkness and lift you up! Feel free to reach out to Mystic Michelle they are a safe place for you! You deserve to be your authentic self, feel love and acceptance!

To watch the full video click HERE


Samhain 2023 Intuitive Tarot Reading